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Industry: Aircraft Manufacturing Facility in Fort Worth TX
Challenge: Current space won’t allow for needed workspace to meet demand.
Solution: Larger mezzanine work platform installed with wire partitions for secured access. Rows of back-to-back shelving units with lighting installed under platform for increased storage.
Result: 300% increase in productivity
How an upgraded mezzanine work platform meant big business for our client
W.W. Cannon has the ability to modify your workspace to fit your needs. For one longtime client, a three-week upgrade meant the ability to increase productivity by 300%.
Our Client
Schweizer Aircraft Corporation
Schweizer Aircraft Corporation was founded in 1939 by Paul, William and Earnest Schweizer. At one time the oldest privately owned aircraft company in the United States, Schweizer manufactured sailplanes, agricultural aircraft and helicopters until 2004, when it was acquired by Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation and became an aerospace company.
The Challenge
Upgrading mezzanine platform work space and parts storage
[su_pullquote align=”right”]”It was a long ongoing process, but he knew I was there. I’m his personal project manager; anything he has a question about, wondering about, has a problem with, he calls me and gets results,” Chambers said.[/su_pullquote]
Schweizer Aircraft was in expansion mode. They had crews coming in to build a number of helicopters, but the work platform W.W. Cannon had installed within their facility years prior was no longer appropriate for the workload at hand.
“I was brought in and the President of Schweizer Aircraft said ‘Look, that work platform is too tall for us and we need more room. What would you do?’ And so we put together a proposal for them,” said Rode Chambers, Automotive & Storage Planning Specialist for W.W. Cannon.
“What they store on that mezzanine platform is actual helicopter parts, landing pads and those kinds of things,” said Chambers. “They didn’t store parts underneath the mezzanine. With the increase in helicopter production, they had additional need to store and secure parts that they didn’t have before.”
Chambers stayed in communication with Schweizer for several months, answering questions and assisting as needed to draw up plans for a new, more secure parts storage system.
The Solution
New mezzanine, secure storage, pallet racks and shelving
Using a crew of two to six working every day for about three weeks, W.W. Cannon’s licensed installation team installed a new, larger mezzanine work platform integrated with secured wire partitioning. Lights were installed underneath along with rows of boltless shelving units for parts storage.
[su_pullquote align=”right”]”We tripled the amount of parts they could store and put a security cage around the bottom so that the new parts area was locked down and secure,” said Chambers.[/su_pullquote]
Chambers said one of the keys to their quick installation was using a pre-engineered mezzanine platform from longtime manufacturer, Cogan.
“They’re like putting a jigsaw puzzle together once they get there. It saves so much time. We can install faster and allows our clients to get to work faster. We’ve used Cogan for years and have always had very good success with them,” said Chambers.
W.W. Cannon also has great success with their professional installation team. One additional contractor was brought in to complete the electrical wiring for the under-mezzanine lighting, but no additional effort was required on the part of Schweizer.
The Result
300% increase in productivity thanks to expanded, secure storage
[su_pullquote align=”right”]”It was all through us, all turnkey,” said Chambers.[/su_pullquote]
The new, upgraded storage platform doubled the size of their existing work and storage area, and provided a secure place to safely and easily store their influx of new parts.
“I would tell you it probably tripled their ability to produce helicopters,” said Chambers.
More importantly, perhaps, is the ongoing business relationship that was strengthened due to the length of planning and swiftness of completion for the project.
“Not only have the president of the company and I become friends,” said Chambers, “but he knows that if he needs something done all he needs to do is contact me and it’ll get handled. I don’t believe he would talk to anyone else.”
By working hard to ensure that every question was answered and every facet of the upgrade was planned, the new installation went quickly and smoothly, allowing productivity for Schweizer to soar — exactly the kind of results one can expect when working with W.W. Cannon.
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To speak to us directly and learn what our design and installation team can do for your business, call us today at 800-442-3061. As Rode says, all you need to do is call and we’ll get it handled!
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