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4 Tips For A Healthy Work-Life Culture – National Safety Month 2018

Week 2 of National Safety Month focuses on wellness.  Health and wellness go hand in hand… but what about in the workplace?  Considering most Americans spend 1/3 of their life span at work – that’s a huge chunk of time – it’s important to practice a healthy work-life balance.  More companies are recognizing the benefits of providing a supportive wellness culture to improve work-life and safety within their organizations.

Tips to encourage a healthy work-life culture:

Aptitude “Doing what I do best”

Get the best out of your people, and you’ll get the best out of your business.  Progressive corporations know that the future of the workplace is about developing and coaching people to be the best version of themselves.  Most employers can tell you what team roles and responsibilities are – but are they properly placing the right people equipped to perform in those roles?  This is an important strategy because people want work that is meaningful to them and they want to be successful.  They’ll naturally be more productive and satisfied within their roles when the workplace provides them with opportunities that match up with their skillset.

People tend to do their best when they like what they’re doing and discovering one’s strengths is a great way to identify those areas.  The Gallup StrengthsFinder assessment helps managers learn what employees do best, where their talents lie, and provide data that will empower them to effectively improve workplace performance.

Nutrition “You are what you eat”

Most people find it’s tough to be consistent with a healthy diet when they’re busy.  When you’ve got a packed day, the tendency is to head for quick snacks that can pack on the pounds.

According to the CDC, recent obesity statistics in America show that more than 1/3 of adults are obese.  Obesity affects the workplace in a number of ways such as needing more time off work due to associated health conditions.

Forward-thinking organizations are addressing nutrition issues by offering healthy snacks, nutrition workshops, cooking demos, hosting weight loss challenges, health coaching, and providing ongoing support.  Encouraging healthy eating habits succeed in improving the overall health of the team.

Mental Health/Stress “What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger”

Niche said “What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger” – unless you’re dead.  Healthy amounts of stress can be a motivator at work. But when excessive stress interferes with our lives, it’s negative counterparts “unhappiness and burnout” risk the health of an organization.

There are many ways to relieve stress at work.  The most important factor is having engaged leaders and a welcoming work culture.  When leaders regularly communicate the importance of employee health and well-being — and walk the talk — it becomes part of the corporate identity.  Keep an authentic open-door policy for employees to troubleshoot stress related issues, remind people to take regular breaks, and try to keep work limited to working hours only.

Physical Health “Healthy body, healthy mind”

Sitting at a desk all day got you feeling sleepy and disconnected?  We need to make time during the day to step away from our work – and get our steps in.

Regular physical activity decreases stress and improves the overall quality of life.  Just 10 minutes of physical activity can stimulate your energy, boost your brainpower and increase productivity.  The WHO (World Health Organization) suggests that adults aged 18-64 should get 150 to 300 minutes of moderate intensity activity throughout the week to remain physically healthy.  That’s 30 to 40 minutes of exercise per day.

If your area provides a safe and pleasant environment for walking, encourage people to take a 30-minute walk, negotiate corporate discounts with local gyms, sponsor or promote employee participation in community events such as 5K walks or runs, organize lunch time walks or yoga groups, encourage walking meetings, and post desk exercise options for physical activity at workstations such as desk dips.

Get Started “The secret about getting ahead, is getting started”

Quit talking and begin doing!  There’s many resources available to take that first step into a healthy corporate culture.  A new website division by the CDC, the Workplace Health Resource Center, provides employers with tools, posters, webinars, and videos to help build their wellness programs.

Promoting health and wellness in the workplace is a Win-Win situation.  As the workforce grows stronger, higher rates of productivity and success are achieved.  You’ll have a happier, healthier, and safer work team.

Contact us today!

Speaking with us directly can alleviate your work-life stress. Call us at 800-442-3061 for assistance with your space planning and storage needs.

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