Tackle your Mountains with Faith – Mexico Ministries April 2016

Mexico Ministries

April 2016 Mexico Ministries Newsletter. Mexico Ministries is close to our heart at W.W. Cannon and we proudly support this outstanding ministry.

Larry Myers does not allow mountains to stand in the way of providing hope to those he loves.

Whether Larry is faced with the mountain of building a suitable church, or orphanage he tackles each task with the love of God and applies faith to push through.

As a mentor and ‘father in the faith,” Larry takes to heart the cries of the pastors he is in relationship with. He seeks ways to assist and pour into their lives. He doesn’t blink an eye while drawing from his own financial resources to meet a need.

Every face has a story. Every life has a need.

If you live in Mexico or around the globe, Larry Myers faces every situation with consistency: apply faith in God and realize nothing is impossible with God. No mountain you face is insurmountable, it can be conquered. Larry is making a difference, you can, too!

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