9 Time Winner! W.W. Cannon Proudly Receives MHEDA MVP Industry Award

For the 8th consecutive year, W.W. Cannon, LLC is proud to receive the reputable MHEDA MVP (Most Valuable Partner) Award…

April 26, 2023 Articles & Insight
Are Your Installers Safety Certified & Trained?

The Importance Of Certified & Trained Material Handling Installers & Service Technicians By Denton Brown, Austin TX Area Material Handling…

Meet Denton Brown, New Houston Area Sales Specialist for W.W. Cannon

[Press Release: Dallas, Texas, July 17, 2019] W.W. Cannon, LLC has assigned a new material handling specialist to their Houston…

Happy 4th of July

As we celebrate the freedom in this great land and enjoy time off with our family and friends, let’s not…

Fighting The Forgetting Curve – Fall Protection Training That Won’t Let Your Construction Workers Down

Although work related deaths in America are down on average, falls remain a major problem area—especially for the construction industry….

Happy Father’s Day

Our dads have done so much for us. They’ve been there, ready with a listening ear or even just some…

Fall Protection Tips For The Manufacturing Workplace

June is National Safety Month so we’d like to “fall into” (pun intended) one of the TOP causes of injuries…

Forklift Collision Is The PITs! Pedestrian Safety Is Paramount

While they are extremely useful machines for many industries, forlklifts and other types of powered industrial trucks (PITs), present a…

Auto Dealership Parts Storage Project – Transitioning Through Owner Acquisition

What Happens When a Company is Sold in the Middle of Your New Auto Dealership Design & Layout Project? You…

Freedom Isn’t Free

We are fortunate and proud to live in a country hard-fought for our nation’s freedom.  And we’re honored to remember…

Improved Order Fulfillment Layout & Picking System, Best Volume Ever For Parts DC

Order Fulfillment System Project | Greenville, Texas Industry: MRO Parts Manufacturing and Distribution Center in Greenville TXChallenge: Explosive growth in operations…

Smart Tips For Greater Warehouse Efficiency

Smart Tips To Make Your Warehouse More Efficient With all the knowledge, experience, and advances in technology we have in…

Happy Easter from W.W. Cannon LLC

This Easter, we’re wishing you the blessings of hope, prosperity, and peace. “He is not here; he has risen!” Luke…

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