Protecting workers from chemical splash with Industrial Curtains

Protecting workers from chemical splash with Industrial Curtains

Providing chemical hazard safety solutions in Garland TXManufacturing cleaning and sanitizing products involves the storage and moving of toxic chemicals.  Because exposure to chemicals in the workplace can cause burns and severe or long-term health effects, controlling exposure to chemical hazards and toxic substances is a safety priority.

Our good buddies at Ecolab in Garland TX are a major supplier of ecofriendly, sustainable products and solutions for many industries such as food and beverage, hotel and cleaning, water treatment, farm equipment sanitation, and more.  Keeping their workplace safe is always a top priority.  When they noticed that they had piping with chemical overflow, they wanted to eliminate any exposure to their workers immediately.

Chemical resistant safety curtain in Garland TXIndustrial Curtain Walls to Contain Chemical Splash

We’ve found a safe and cost-effective way to eliminate chemical splash is to enclose high risk areas with chemical resistant industrial curtains.  Chemical curtain walls are designed to withstand numerous types of chemicals and hazardous materials as well as spray and wash down situations.

  • Retractable and movable curtain systems
  • Separate work areas for specific requirements
  • Protection against dangerous chemicals and acids

Safety Specialist Assists with Correct Safety Solution

Akon Custom U-shaped Industrial Curtain WallSafety specialist, Doug Hutchins, thoroughly documented the chemicals in the problem area.  He brought the chemical list to Akon industrial curtain engineers to assure the purchase of the correct chemical resistant curtains.

A U-shaped hazmat type curtain was chosen to completely enclose the area.  It effectively surrounded the piping wall-to-wall, eliminating the risk of chemical spray on workers.  The see-through, retractable curtain was installed on an easy to clean, corrosion resistant rolling track.  It was also important to Ecolab that the curtain would not be moved in any way by air current.  The curtain posts were anchored to the floor to withstand fans and other air movement.

Safety issue solved!

Contact us today!

Or call us at 800.442.3061 for tips, consultation, or any questions about safety in your facility.

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