Loading Dock Bumpers – Entry Point Dock Safety!

Loading Dock Bumpers – Entry Point Dock Safety!

Did you know that the force of impact that a backing up semi truck can generate is about 300,000 pounds of force?  That’s why loading dock bumpers are one of the basic, most important safety components of the loading dock area.

Loading Dock – Entry Point Dock Safety

At the very beginning or end of every trucking journey, there is a loading dock in which they need to pull in to.  Having a point of entry that protects truck, trailer, product, and dock is essential.  Rubber dock bumpers have impact resilience and strength to withstand the awesome impact from daily truck stops.

But over time, the rubber wears and tears becoming a potential safety hazard.  Fortunately, they’re one of the most cost effective safety components to replace and install in your loading dock area!


When Should You Replace Your Dock Bumpers?  

The dock bumpers you see in the top picture belong to a busy customer of ours in the pollution control industry.  Perfect example of wear and tear over the busy life of a rubber bumper.  Once you see large rubber chunks dropping off, it’s definitely time to replace.

We know there are a few factors that affect dock bumper selection such as dock height, dock approach, truck bed heights, general truck/trailer volume, and what dock equipment is being used such as dock levelers or standard dock plates.

Dock Bumper Replacement = Safety

after-bumper-installSales account manager, Chris Bewley, knew the exact bumper they needed for efficient and safe un/loading.  Always ensuring proper and safe equipment installation, install tech Jody Rogers increased safety at their point of entry.  Bewley was also able to evaluate any other potential safety issues within the loading dock area.  This helps provide the crew with current operational equipment status and awareness of any potential hazards.  Having a consistent loading dock maintenance and repair plan is a great way to preserve the life of your equipment while keeping a consistent eye on safety.

Download a dock maintenance plan brochure – PDF.

Contact us today!

Or call us at 800.442.3061 to schedule a safety review of your dock area. We’ll provide a full assessment of your current set-up to equip you with a detailed recommendation plan.

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