Rack System Damage – Risk Level Evaluation & Identification

Rack System Damage – Risk Level Evaluation & Identification

Does the stability of your rack system concern you?

  • I wonder if that forklift hit compromised the overall stability of the bay?
  • Did that beam bend from overloading the max capacity?
  • Is that bent frame brace a safety issue?
  • That bolt on the frame base is loose, but does just one bolt matter?

Short answer to the questions above?  YES!  All components of a racking system are carefully designed and engineered to stabilize and support the entire system.  Any damage to the system components could jeopardize the rack system’s stability, strength, and drastically reduce storage capacity.

If you’ve asked yourself any of the above questions – or similar questions around the safety of your pallet rack system – you’re most likely in need of some kind of repair or possible replacement.

You’ll be relieved to know about a valuable service that will make your work life less stressful – and safer.  A rack system safety risk assessment inspection (no-obligation) by a qualified team of rack specialists – that’s us – will map out minor to critical risk areas as well as provide a foundation for safety planning.

You’ll be empowered to take charge of your operations with a detailed, documented risk report.  With report in hand you’ll be able to:

  • Evaluate suggestions for replacement, repair, or at-risk equipment to keep an eye on
  • At a glance view the overall condition of rack/shelving based upon current codes and guidelines
  • Easily discern which issues pose the highest risk to safety and are required to be replaced immediately

Rack System Assessment – Common Risk Issues

As we walk through your indoor/outdoor facility and evaluate the health of your rack system, some common dammage issues that we thoroughly investigate and document are:

  • Upright Frames – out-of-plumb frames, impact damage to horizontals/diagonals, corrosion or rust, sufficient clearance height
  • Beams – dents or bent beams, missing safety clips/pins, corrosion or rust
  • Overload/Stress – overhang, unevenly distributed loads, weight of stored product vs. capacity
  • Baseplate – anchors loose or missing, damaged twisted metal, corrosion or rust
  • Decking – exposed edges, mismatched or missing decks

Straight-Forward Risk Level IDStorage Rack Damage - Risk Factor Level 1 - Dallas TX

Once a risk area is identified, we assign each issue with a straight forward 3-level approach.  Level 1 risk assessment is critical and demands immediate attention.  A Level 2 risk means substantial damage and equipment should be scheduled for a repair or replacement.  Damaged equipment you should keep an eye on but poses no current risk is assigned a Level 3 status.

Real life example of a rack safety evaluation:

Level 1 Risk – Critical damage beyond allowable limits, imposes extremely high risk

Example – Upright frames are out-of-plumb/leaning – The ANSI/RMI Specs determine the maximum out-of-plumb ratio for a loaded rack column and our techs evaluate that limit with the RMI standard formula.  Frames whose out-of-plumb ratio exceeds this limit must be repaired or replaced.  An out-of-plumb condition reduces the capacity of a the upright to a significant proportion.  A rack frame that isn’t straight is likely to become further out-of-plumb when it’s loaded.Storage Rack Damage - Risk Factor Level 2 - Dallas TX

Recommendation – Take immediate action – upright frame must be repaired or replaced.  This is an extremely high hazard risk that will result in an accident or injury if not resolved.

Level 2 Risk – Damage noted, risk of compromising integrity of the system. Not an immediate risk but with future damage would pose a high risk.

Example – Impact damage to outer frame without affecting inner reinforcement.  Post protector in place.

Recommendation – Not severe enough to warrant immediate action but should be repaired/replaced as soon as possible.

Level 3 Risk – Minor damage within allowable limits.  Doesn’t currently hinder the integrity of the upright/reinforced structure behind it.  Not an immediate risk but with future damage could pose a high risk.Storage Rack Damage - Risk Factor Level 3 - Dallas TX

Example – Minor impact damage.  Post protector in place.

Recommendation – Continue observation of Level 3 equipment.   Schedule routine inspections to monitor all damaged equipment.

This is not a DIY project – Don’t attempt to fix on your own.

ANSI/RMI MH16.1 – ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS & RECONFIGURATIONS: States that all additions, alterations and reconfigurations should meet the same requirements as the original installation. Therefore, do not attempt a DIY repair.  A qualified technician experienced with rack systems will provide repairs that comply with current standards to ensure your system is structurally sound and safe.

Always remember the Golden Rule to avoiding hazards – Prevention!

  • Partner with a certified, experienced provider you can trust for routine rack system inspections plus maintenance and follow their recommendations
  • Pallet rack safety and collision protection products in place will help to mitigate damage
  • Observe OSHA/RMI standards and codes

Contact us today!

Contact us today to schedule a no-obligation risk assessment for your current rack systems.  To speak with us directly, call us at 800-442-3061.  We’re waiting to assist you!

*Service area revolves around the 75220 zip code and surrounding areas.  Contact us to find out if we service to your location.

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