Nergeco high speed dock doors. Climate and debris control helps protect products

Quick Access with High Speed Dock Doors in Houston TX – Watch Demo

Manufacturing Facility Protects Valuable Equipment with Enduro 5 Trekking High Speed Doors

Nergeco high speed dock doors. Climate and debris control helps protect products
High Speed Dock Doors Debris Control

Sand blasting can be a messy business! Searching for a way to contain the debris in their busy manufacturing facility, W.W. Cannon’s customer contacted us for assistance.

Sales manager, Billy Duplechin met with the manufacturing team to discuss their needs. With the increase demand of moving in-and-out of their warehouse space a need for quick access was required. Determining the use of high speed dock doors would not only contain the sand blasting debris, create speed and efficiency – it also offered noise control.

W.W. Cannon’s installation team: Richard Fargason, Patrick Elliott and Jose Rodriguez began at the jobsite with preparations to mount two Nergeco Enduro 5 Trekking Dock Doors. Additional requirements on the job site included fabrication before installing the new high speed doors. Providing secure bracing to the current structure was carefully managed by mounting headers for tracking support.

The existing dock doors provide security during non-active times, while the new high speed doors offer convenient accessibility throughout the busy work day.

Contact us with any questions.

Watch Video – New Dock Door 4 times faster

Nergeco Enduro 5 Trekking Dock Doors are designed for the outdoor or indoor use, folds vertically, flexible, fast, reactive®. Its structure and mechanism are manufactured from non-conductive materials that require no painting, are replaceable and can be recycled.

Enduro 5 Trekking is designed for the following environments: intensive use, external or internal exposure, aggressive, damp, salty, available up to 20 to 20 ft.  Also available for standard environments.

Additional Dock Door Applications:

  • Strong winds (Enduro Puissance)
  • Large dimensions (Enduro Trekking)
  • Exposed openings (Star 2 Trekking)
  • Intensive processes (Star 5 Trekking)
  • Special Projects


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