Teardrop Rack System with Wire Decking for Automotive Storage DC

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Cantilever Rack Supported T-Sheds

Cantilever rack-supported T-Sheds for outdoor lumber and pipe storage.

Single and double-sided T-Shed options are available for product that needs to be protected from the elements. If you lack the room or volume required for a drive-thru building, consider the following T-Shed options:

  • Single-sided Cantilever Shed (uses cantilever as the frame)
  • Double-sided Cantilever Shed
  • Single-sided pallet Rack Shed (uses pallet rack as the frame)
  • Double-sided pallet Rack Shed
    Same benefits as rack supported buildings.

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Maintenance & Repair

Maintenance and 24-Hour Emergency Plans.



OSHA certified and factory trained installers.



  • Provide highest storage density and optimizes space utilization while minimizing footprint.
  • Accelerated depreciation for rack supported structure.
  • Enhances land utilization in situations where land is at a premium.
  • Quick, simplified installation by our trained installation team.
  • Year round sales � rain or shine.
  • Convenient access of materials while loading or unloading.
  • A 2-piece wall stud design allows panels to be easily removed or replaced.
  • Accessible, organized display with protection from weather damage.
  • Simplified re-ordering because product is easily identified and counted.

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W.W. Cannon’s Turnkey Service solutions result in a strong return on your investment. Get in touch with one of our specialists today for complimentary consultation. We’ll answer any questions you have and help you plan your next steps.
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Stocking distributor for Pallet Rack, Shelving, and Safety Equipment.